Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Keeping An Eye on What's Really Important...

A friend of mine in Saskatoon lost his son on Monday. It was totally unexpected, although 23-year-old Riley had been kind of ill for a couple of days. A good, clean-cut kid with everything in front of him. It's tragic and it has kind of taken the wind out of our sails as a bunch of 'Rider fans this week.

After I heard the news from another friend from our golfing crew, I called my daughter Ashley, who is now 22. When I heard her voice, I realized that I didn't really have anything to say in the moment. Just to hear her voice for a couple of minutes...

Coincidentally, a story has surfaced in the world of professional hockey that will get a ton of play in the upcoming weeks. It relates to a high-profile father and his 20-year-old son. I don't find the father's reaction fascinating at all, but as a fellow parent I can assure you he is a guy who obviously "gets it". You can link to it right here.

The underlying subject matter does not have anything at all to do with the passing of my friends' son, or their relationship. But to me, it confirms what I believe each of us should be focused on in our role as parents. And it's a role that I know my friend took very seriously.

Why not give your kids a hug today...

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